On a piece of paper write the numbers 1-6. Beside each write
Y or N to indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following.
An ellipsis consists of three dots which are
separated by spaces.
Use the ellipsis for a thought that trails off. To avoid a time-consuming discussion, I
agreed, but wondered ...
When expressing a thought discontinued due to
strong emotion or an abrupt change, use an em dash. A second after I agreed, I remembered that conversation. I stood up and
In an article KittyCat indicated he didn’t like
to have his nails trimmed. There’s a word for his ordeal: exungulate, pronounced eg ZUN gyou late.
The solidus,
a punctuation mark formed by a diagonal line, is also called a slash or slant
mark. A common use of it is with the words and/or.
The word critique
is a not used as a verb in standard English.
If two up-to-date style books or grammar guides were a part
of your library, would you find definitive answers to all grammatical questions? No. Therefore, relax. Study the basics. Aim for the use
of standard English in your writing, but don't obsess over it. Discussions on the subject can be fun. If you have opinions about the following, please express
them in the “Comments” box.
An ellipsis (plural: ellipses) indicates omitted
words. As a punctuation device in today’s usage, the ellipsis is usually
written as three dots with no spaces between them. Certain references still
adhere to the form as three dots each separated by a space (. . .). Look hard
enough, and you can find the ellipsis written to indicate a half space between
the dots, but that relates to squiggles once written on manuscripts for
communication between authors and typesetters.
Did you notice the “trailing off” ellipsis does
not require further punctuation?
Tricky. Number three is factually correct, but
not well expressed. Isn’t this better? When
strong emotion or an abrupt change interrupts a thought, emphasize the
unexpressed words with an em dash.
Most grammar guides would use italics when
writing the word exungulate. Note: the first letter of a word following a colon is in lowercase, unless the word should otherwise be capitalized.
As used in #5, there is no reason to italicize
the word solidus. But, when a word is used
as a word, as it is in this comment, it is italicized. Just for fun, look up
the word look up the word virgule.
OK, let’s not be stuffy. Thirty years ago, I
might have offered to criticize a friend’s manuscript. Today, since criticize has a negative connotation, I
would offer (albeit incorrect) to critique the writing, and keep the friend. Until dictionary usage panels allow the
word’s use as a verb in standard English, a better word choice is evaluate.
Express yourself. If in your youth, you missed some training
because you covered your ears when chalk squeaked on the blackboard, start
fresh. Join a writing group, buy an updated stylebook, and have fun. A publisher who thinks your work will turn a profit, knows where to find a good editor.
(c) 2012, Bernice W. Simpson