Monday, June 11, 2012

Yowl and Growl -- by KittyCat

The next time I hear Mom say "KittyCat ... " in a bossy voice, I might lose it and scratch her. Mom got paperwork caught up, so finally, after a year--well, maybe not quite a year, I'm not shut out of the office. Every time I get in the computer chair, Mom tells me to move: she has a birthday message to send, or needs to email someone. And she had to print her to-do list.'s Monday, Mom. What... you need a list to remember to vacuum and clean the kitchen? I didn't notice "wash KC's mats and special towels" on that list. I'd better not see "comb KC" added to it. I'm already POd. Right now, I'm thinking I could bite Mom and she'd have to go to the doctor for anti-catbite stuff, and I could have the computer for most of the day. I've got lots of writing to catch up on.

I got lots to write about, but I think for now I'll go outside and cool off. Well, not quite--I'll bet it's 95 degrees out there, but you get the gist. I need to chase birds, or something. I might find a mouse and drop it on the "welcome" mat by the front door and then watch Mom freak out when she sees it.

Ya, right now I need some laughs. And I'll pass them along when I get to write again.

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